The good folks at GarageCube have released an update to the popular Madmapper- to 1.2.3!
MadMapper v1.2.3 update
This version fixes a few important issues about the circles, multiple selections, compatibility, project files and more.
The following issues have been corrected in this new update:
Circle rotations and the modification of their center point was not working
Multiple selections of handles or points on a mesh caused unexpected behaviors
Incompatibility with Intel HD 3000 video cards caused glitches in the input view
Unwanted behavior with mesh warping and presets when opening a saved project
Loss of group selections when creating presets
Undo/Redo was disabled in some cases when using masks
More excitingly though, the Madmapper 1.3 Beta (now with Madlight!)-
The new MadLight extension will be free for all existing MadMapper customers and can be tested in this BETA version. It includes:
New DMX fixture surfaces
A fixture editor and library
Auto channel numbering
7 types of pixel configurations (RGB, RGBL, RGBW, LRGBW, RGBWL, L, CMY)
New ArtNet support
Full ArtNet range, up to 131072 DMX channels
Real time setup and pixel mapping
DMX dip switch preview
Real time ArtNet fixture preview
MadMapper 1.3 BETA has been tested with ODE Enttec hardware.
The ODE Enttec is available for purchase on the MadMapper yourspace page.
Head over and get your update so your projectionmapping won’t suck!